DOG IS DEAD settling down for an out-of-breath post gig chat…

Trev: “I’d just like to comment that hover crafts aren’t the most common type of transport…”

Dan: “As far Nottingham gig virginity popping goes, my first gig was pretty messy.” (This was Dan’s first gig in Nottingham since joining the band)

Rob: “As much as I don’t want to see Motley Crue live, I love the rollercoaster drum kit thing that Tommy Lee has…we were thinking of getting that for Harvey.”

Rob: “We played some new stuff and the crowds reaction was amazing…it’s like they have an amazing talent at guessing the words from what I could see from the stage.”

Dan: “KAGOULE are incredible, they have some songs that you could listen to 100 times and not get bored.”
